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Hands and knees

December 31st, 2009 · by Leah · 2 Comments

You’re starting to figure out how to coordinate them in your endless quest for trouble, little brother. Though you’ve been creeping and stomach crawling for a couple of months now, this afternoon we hit a milestone: You crawled all the way across the rug on your hands and knees! Huzzah! What a grand way to start the new year!

Though you haven’t gotten back up on all fours since that momentous event, you’re still busy scooching all around, exploring every forbidden item you can find. We set you down, and off you go, trying to pull up on our glass nesting tables or pull off our Christmas tree ornaments. You eschew your rattle for trying to chew on electrical cords. You ignore the clink of your rattle in favor of the alluring ring of our cordless phone.

Whew, Emmett! You’re definitely much busier than your big sister ever was; I think we’d better get started with our baby-proofing ASAP! As soon as the tree comes down tomorrow, I’m digging out the outlet covers and cabinet locks. Here’s to doin’ the locomotion, little brother. What a rockin’ 2010 it will be!

Tags: General