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December 25th, 2009 · by Leah · No Comments

Dear Ava,

Your dad always accuses me of never writing anything on this blog, so I thought I’d better log on quickly, at the end of this lovely Christmas Day, to document a few small, sweet moments from our recent celebrations. The first is a remark you made yesterday, after attending an afternoon children’s service at your grandmother’s church. (Though your dad and I don’t belong to any organized religion, Gramary has been sharing some of her beliefs with you, so you’re always surprising–and sometimes alarming–us with what you’ve heard.) You came running breathlessly through the door, in your velvet Christmas dress, and said, “Mom, I got to light the candles–AND I got to see the ACTIVITY scene! There was a baby in it who looked just like Emmett. His hands were just like Emmett’s!”

The second memorable moment from this holiday was watching you and your brother dancing at the Free Lunch Christmas event today. We went there to see Gramary, who organizes the meal, and to join other volunteers in serving food, clearing plates, and handing out warm clothing to folks in need. There was a great bluegrass band playing during the luncheon, and your brother grinned in Daddy’s arms, while you clapped and boogied your way through several numbers. And all around us, people were talking, eating, and sharing gifts with each other during a very special meal.


Finally, one of the nicest moments from this holiday happened this evening, after your brother had fallen asleep. Your dad and I decided–on the spur of the moment–to let you stay up late to watch Charlie Brown’s Christmas and some other Charlie Brown cartoons on our Apple TV. We ordered some crummy Domino’s Pizza (since that was the only delivery place open), and then we cuddled on the couch, laughing at Snoopy and his antics. During one of the opening scenes, you pointed with delight at the screen, and yelled, “There’s Pigsty!” Your dad and I tried not to laugh, since you embarrass easily these days, but it was just so endearing. And at the end of “Flashbeagle,” (during which Snoopy donned a ridiculous orange disco outfit), you got up and did your own version of “Flashava” for us.

Throughout the night, your dad and I kept exchanging secret looks of such love for you–and your brother. Our hearts were just so happy, little one. This life of ours is really full and wonderful, but sometimes your dad and I get too busy and stressed to slow down and notice it all. Thank you for reminding us to celebrate by candlelight, to see the beauty in babies’ hands–and to dance with each other. Our lives truly are rich beyond measure.

All our love,
Mama and Papa

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