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Wait, was that a weekend?

January 28th, 2008 · by map · 8 Comments

Thank God for my blog post yesterday, or I’d have no proof that I actually lived through a weekend over the past two days. I hate sitting at my desk on a Monday morning and feeling like yesterday was Friday. But it’s OK. I have my work cut out for me this week, as usual.

And speaking of yesterdays, Ava’s still getting the hang of the whole relativity of time thing. Sometimes when she wakes up in the morning, she refers to last night as “this night,” as in, “I slept all night this night!” We gently correct her. Or she calls yesterday “last day.” Which is kind of correct, technically. It’s fun to explain to her how all this works, and it certainly provides an opportunity to reflect on how English handles these constructions.

Another recent issue has been Valentine’s Day, which Ava started out saying, “Valentime’s Day.” N and M are letters she still stumbles on a bit when she’s pointing them out in her books, so I wanted to make sure she has a good grasp of when each of them is used in real life. I think she has it now.

Tags: Ava