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First sleepover

January 27th, 2008 · by map · No Comments

My mom was set to come over and sit for us last night while we went to dinner with friends. But as we were getting Ava ready, she insisted she wanted to stay overnight at Gramary’s. Leah and I weren’t sure, but Ava was super excited and insisted she would be OK. So we agreed.

Everything was fine, of course. We had a very nice dinner (I enjoyed a tuna feature at Linn Street Cafe that was the best meal I’ve ever had there), and then we came home and watched The Pianist, which neither of us had ever seen. Not a great movie to round out a romantic evening, I tell ya, but ultimately uplifting.

Leah missed Ava and had some trouble getting to sleep, but we actually ended up sleeping until 7:45 this morning, which is unheard of. Turns out Ava and Gramary were out getting breakfast at Hamburg Inn this morning.

I thought I’d also share a shot of Ava I took yesterday while she was trying on one of her mom’s hats:


I’m shooting over her shoulder as she stands looking into the full length mirror on our coat closet door. Is there anyone who reads this blog who doesn’t know about my flickr account by now?

Tags: Ava · Entertainment · Food & Drink · Movies