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June 12th, 2006 · by map · No Comments

We had a very nice, albeit a bit cool, weekend in Madison visiting Aunt Rachel and Uncle Kevin.  As usual, we packed each day full of activity.

Kevin and I had a mission to tear the radios out of our Subarus and install a modification that would enable us to connect our iPods via an aux-in line to the radio head unit.  The process was a bit nervewracking for me, but Kevin can take a car radio apart in his sleep, so it was no big deal for him.  We were able to get both our cars modded by the end of the weekend, and everything works great.

On Saturday Kevin and I spent some time grocery shopping for our dinner that evening, which consisted of crostini with caramelized onions and reggiano, bolognese over whole wheat fusilli, and a wilted spinach salad with horseradish honey mustard dressing.  For after dinner, Kevin, Rachel, and I ate dates stuffed with roquefort and prosciutto and drank port while we played dominoes and Leah slept on the couch. Well, Kevin and I ate the dates and drank the port, at least; Rachel’s not a fan of dates.  Her loss was our gain.

On Sunday we all took Ava over to the Henry Vilas Zoo.  It was a great trip.  The animals were out enjoying the cool weather and sunshine.  Ava particularly enjoyed the ape house, as usual.  If you’re ever in Madison and interested at all in seeing a zoo, this one is really nice.
We also discovered that Ava is quite an accomplished salsa dancer, which comes as something of a surprise.  She kept asking us to “make a song,” and we’d then fire up the SLiMP3 player and play her a selection of Latin tunes from Kevin’s server.  Ava would hop and spin and stomp all over the rug in the living room until she collapsed onto the floor with a big smile on her face.  Then she’d get up and do it all over again.

We’re finally going to be home for three weekends in a row now, which will be nice.  I need to get some weeding done in the garden, and if the weather’s nice, a bike ride or two will be in order.

Tags: Ava · Food & Drink · Meals