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My kingdom for a baster

November 18th, 2005 · by map · 2 Comments

The meals are stacking up fast and furious heading into the holidays. It’s a bit daunting to think of all the things I’ll be cooking between now and January 1, but it’s also going to be a lot of fun.

Recently I made my first batch of chicken stock using the remains of a chicken I baked to have around for meat. It turned out pretty well. I turned around and used the stock (technically, I guess, it was a broth) for a batch of sausage barley soup with cabbage. Now that’s comfort food. I also have a couple pork chops w/ sauerkraut that I need to finish up ASAP.

It’s difficult to imagine getting any of this done without a crockpot. My SmartPot has got to be one of the best investments I’ve made in the last five years. For example, the barley soup I made would’ve taken a lot more of my attention had I not been able to throw all the ingredients into the SmartPot and let it cook while I was at work. If you have information that crockpots cause cancer, I don’t want to hear about it. And I doubt I’d stop cooking with it even if I knew. It’s just too handy.

Next up for my trusty crock is a batch of squash bisque with bourbon. Also on deck is another go at Marcella Hazan’s bolognese, which is not only delicious but very comforting to make. Play Le nozze di Figaro real loud and just spend a couple hours knocking around the kitchen.

Tags: Food & Drink · Meals