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Google AdSense

November 16th, 2005 · by map · 6 Comments

You may have noticed the small block of ad links over there on the right side of the page. The idea is that the thousands of people who visit this blog will click on links to ads for potato casserole, and I’ll subsequently become rich beyond my wildest dreams.

Here’s how it works. Every time you click on one of those links and follow it through to an ad, I get something like $.0005. It’s silly, really, on a site like this, but I thought I’d give it a try anyway. The webcrawlers from Google will run over this site every day and look for terms like “iPod” or “DVR” or “Chirstmas gift” or “Canon S2 IS.” For example. Google then matches the links on the right to match the terms contained in the blog.

I chose the least-intrusive ad format I could, and Google even had a color scheme that matches nicheplayer pretty closely (I could modify it further if I wanted to, but I’m just too lazy).

With as much traffic as I have here, I expect to receive my first $100 check from Google about the time I retire in 30 years.

Tags: Computer · Software