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For the record

July 14th, 2009 · by map · 6 Comments

Hiya, born baby.

You’re an awfully cute little fella. Sometimes I’m surprised by how adorable you are, though I shouldn’t be. First of all, you’re my son, so I’m supposed to love you like crazy and so forth. Everything you do is cute, and you’re amazing even when you’re crying. Etc., etc., blah, blah. But, really, the main reason you and your sis are so physically attractive is because of your genetic heritage. And I don’t mean from me. Take a gander:


Now, looks ain’t everything, Emmett. But holy smokes, they don’t hurt! I’m OK with you and Ava walking around with your mom’s good looks, so long as you get some height from me. I mean, how are you supposed to look down on people if you’re barely five feet tall?

Tags: Baby · Emmett