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Koo koo ka choo

July 8th, 2009 · by map · 4 Comments

I’m finding I’ve missed this process of documenting all the little milestones in our infant’s life.

Em appears to be developing right in line with expectations. His latest things are spitting up and cooing, one of which is much, much cuter than the other.

And lemme tell you, that cooing is really frakin’ cute. The only negative associated with it, if you can call it a negative, is that Em seems uninterested in cooing or smiling at L. Given the amount of time he spends literally attached to her (and not at the hip, if you know what I mean), you can likely imagine how well his reticence to act cute for her goes over. Let me be blunt: NOT VERY. But he’ll come around, I’m sure. With luck, L won’t lose interest in him before that time comes.

Tags: Baby · Emmett