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Names, names, names

June 1st, 2009 · by map · 4 Comments

I knew this time would come, and now, here it is. What to call this blog. I understand most of you think I’m daft for having two blogs, and I find myself agreeing with you on some levels. Eh. Maybe I’ll just leave the name alone. Gotta avoid that New Coke trap, after all.

Sitting around this hospital is bringing me down. Leah’s happy to have the attention from the excellent staff here as she recovers from her Caesarian (did I mention she’s a badass?), and I can appreciate that. But Ava’s really missing having us at home…particularly Leah. And frankly, I’m beginning to resent that I get only 4.5 days home with Emmett before I have to go back to work. Yeah, yeah, I knew what I was signing up for. Still, it stinks. And it especially stinks now that I’ve felt Em’s tiny little cheek rubbing against mine (can I call him Em? I think I just did. I like it. Has a certain Albert R. Broccoli feel to it). I guess that’s life.

So we have another full day to sit around tomorrow and bask in Emmett’s glow. The lighting gods have favored me with a sweet north-facing window that produces some really nice illumination for portraits. Look here:


I think my goal tomorrow will be to make lemonade from lemons and try to get some good shots of the boy before we head back to the world on Wednesday morning. If you don’t know where to find my stockpile of images, look no further.

Lastly, you guys are all awesome. The e-mails and phone messages and visits have been wonderful, easily in the top five best things about having a kid. We look forward to sharing Em with you in something more concrete than pixel form real soon.

Tags: Baby · Emmett