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We’re screwed

April 3rd, 2009 · by map · 4 Comments

They’re doing a project at Ava’s school for which each kid brings in a picture from each year of his or her life and writes a description of what’s important about the photo. Four or five pictures. They’re calling it a “personal timeline.” Easy, right? HA! HA, I say! Why, we have just under 3K pictures from Ava’s first two years of life alone. And they’re all freakin’ adorable, of course. Sure, some were taken at events, like Ava’s birth, or her first trip to the pumpkin patch at the tender age of five weeks, or her first trip to Grand Marais. So many photos…. I don’t regret taking a single one, of course, but still…. Thank God for tags, I guess.

EDIT: Here are your winners!



2 (Incidentally, one of my all-time fave pics of Ava. Of course, it was taken by Kevin.)


Tags: Ava · Photography