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April 1st, 2009 · by map · 8 Comments

Ava’s pretty adept at most things. She enjoys talking, especially. I love it when she goes off on a tangent and gets all excited about explaining or describing some thing or another. The other day, I was listening to her talk when she came across the word “regular.” But it sounded, from her mouth, like reg-yer-ar. I said, “reg-yoo-ler.” She repeated reg-yer-ar. We went a couple more times before I dropped it, but my heart when out to this sweet little girl as she struggled to make her mouth produce the sounds she heard. I know Grandma Georgie is worried Ava has a speech problem, but I’m more concerned (and not too, at that) that these temporary verbal stumbling blocks will damage her confidence and make her less inclined to talk when she has something to say.

Tags: Ava