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Thou shalt not covet

February 27th, 2009 · by map · 22 Comments

I can’t figure out if all our friends had babies or if we started becoming friends with more people who have babies, but whatever the trajectory, I feel like I’m seeing babies everywhere I turn this last year. And they’re all adorable. You hear that? I SAID, THEY’RE ALL ADORABLE! So easy to bruise feelings.

Now for the part where I do that thing you’re not supposed to do. Namely, state out in the open that I find one baby cuter than any other baby I’ve seen in the last 4.5 years or so. The distinction (?) goes to my friend Heather’s daughter Violet. Behold:




Maybe it’s just me. Could it be? Nah. Frankly, I’m amazed myself that Vi stands out among all the cuties that’ve come along recently (and not so recently). Sadly for Vi, though, her reign as Bebe Mas Bonita is up sometime between now and the end of May (hopefully more toward the end of May!). I guess she’ll have to go back to being merely the apple of her mum and pop’s eyes. Along with her twin brother Liam, that is, who’s no slouch in his own right!

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