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Moment of cuteness, etc.

February 3rd, 2009 · by map · 4 Comments

I was home with Ava today, as she was feverish and complaining of stomach pain at school yesterday. When I went to pick her up, she was really lethargic and was crying. Leah and I were thinking appendicitis, but a quick trip to the pediatrician assuaged our fears. As a matter of fact, Ava achieved a miraculous recovery between the time I picked her up at school and when we sat down in the doctor’s office.

Which is good and bad. Good that she’s feeling better. Bad that I have to take a day off work to stay with her during her 24-hour fever quarantine. Worse, actually, that my office expressly forbids me from working from home, which means I’ll have twice as much work to do and half as much time to do it when I get in tomorrow. So I’m like, “I’ll work for free, just let me get this done.” And they’re like, “No. Federal law. Sorry.” Fine. Whatever.

Oh yeah. The cuteness. Sorry. Here ya go:


This is my first try at getting Ava’s eyes to “pop” using Photoshop. I think I may have overdone it a bit, but I’ve always wanted to try to get more brown out of them. I figured this technique was worth a shot.

Have I mentioned lately that I love this kid? Well, I do. A bunch. Her little sibling’s going to have some big shoes to fill, figuratively speaking, at least.

Tags: Ava · Photography