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You so crazy

January 20th, 2009 · by map · 6 Comments

Yesterday Ava decided she wanted to go to the children’s museum, so we went to the children’s museum. There was a sweet moment on the way out when Ava adopted her serious voice from the back seat and proceeded to tell us that even though bad things happen in the world, like robberies, for example, we all have each other, and everything’s going to be all right. We assured her that was true. I’m always amazed when the contemplative Ava shows up. It reminds me how smart this little girl is, and how much I take that for granted. And I don’t mean smart like she can spell BAT and RAT and CAT, but that kind of emotional smart, where she’s making abstract connections and thinking about them in practical terms. It’s striking, really…almost like there’s an adult in there somewhere. Perhaps I’m just stunted (quiet, Leah!).

We had fun at the museum. We visited every room, some of them twice, and even made Valentine’s Day cards for G.G. and Gramary. As we were getting ready to leave, Ava’s friend Katya showed up, which resulted in another tour of the place (at full speed; those girls can RUN). Here’s a pic I grabbed while Ava was shopping:


Tags: Ava