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Our trip

January 13th, 2009 · by map · 8 Comments

I know, right? “It’s about time.” I hear you. Seems like I should provide some sort of synopsis, even though most of you have heard the best tidbits by now.

The big news, of course, is that Rachel and Kevin were robbed. Actually, their room was broken into, and the thieves made off with Kevin’s iPod Touch (Christmas present), R’s celly, BOTH passports, car and house keys, and some other goodies. Photocopies of their passports were useless for anything other than documenting that they once had passports, and they were barely useful for that. Thank the Mayan god of comprehension that Rachel is fluent in Spanish, because the answering machine at the U.S. Consulate office in Cancun doesn’t even speak English. They scrambled around and received their new, temporary, $100(.ea) passports a mere three hours before our plane was set to depart for home. Nothing like living on the edge.

The rest of the trip featured waking up each day, eating a delicious breakfast, going to the beach, eating lunch, sitting at the beach some more, going to watch the sunset at the beach (Ava’s favorite), eating dinner, and going to bed. Nice and simple.

The day we arrived, I remember standing barefoot in the sand at the edge of the water and watching the waves wash over my toes. I thought about how crazy it was that only six hours earlier I’d been bundled up for winter weather, and now here I was, cool salt water lapping at my ankles under a warm, sunny sky. The credit for all this goes to Harvey and Georgie, who paid for the whole trip. I’m so happy that they’ve given Ava the chance to have these memories. And speaking of memories, check out my trip photos here.

Tags: Ava · Entertainment · Food & Drink · Outdoors · Photography