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Life with brother

November 6th, 2008 · by map · 18 Comments

We broke the news about the new baby to Ava this morning. We figured if you all knew, she may as well know, too. She was excited but didn’t seem quite sure what to make of the revelation. After Leah got out her baby book and showed Ava pictures of what the fetus looks like now, I took Ava aside for a chat. I explained that we didn’t know if she was going to have a little brother or little sister. Her countenance fell a bit when I mentioned the word “brother.” She seemed pretty certain that it was going to be a little girl. Leah and I tried to explain the virtues of each scenario, but I don’t think we did much to sway Ava from her preference. Too many “mean” boys at preschool these days, I guess.

I wasn’t old enough to form any memories of my brother being born. I doubt my parents even spent much energy trying to get me ready for it. Leah, on the other hand, was five by the time her sister arrived. As a parent, the former seems vastly preferable. Best to get ’em both out, seems to me, before the older one has any chance to have an opinion on the matter. The couple friends I’ve spoken with on the matter (Hi, Kathryn and Wendy!) assure me that it’s not going to make much difference once Ava gets her hands on her new sibling. I’ve found myself wondering about the realities of mixed-sex siblings. Is it better, developmentally, for a boy growing up to have an older sister? What about a girl having a younger brother? Solely in terms of having a complete parenting experience, it’d be fun to have a boy. A little sister for Ava would be wonderful, too, of course, and would certainly go over well with the other ladies in the house. But what to name this little scribbler…?

Tags: Ava · TMI