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Hands tied

October 2nd, 2008 · by map · 2 Comments

From today’s WSJ:

For all the speculation over how Sarah Palin will fare in the vice-presidential debate Thursday night, her Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, faces a challenge of his own: taking on the Alaska governor without coming across as sexist or a bully.

Has anyone seen any of the footage of McCain when he’s been put up against the wall in interviews? The recent Des Moines Register editorial board stuff is priceless. Forget the disdain with which he treated his opponent in the first debate (am I the only one who noticed he was making to leave the stage without shaking hands with Obama?).

It’s a real shame that Biden is going to be hamstrung in tonight’s debate simply because his opponent is a woman. That glass ceiling should cut both ways. You know, given every past interview you’ve seen with Palin, that her specialty is this hit-and-run style of response that contains very little in the way of specifics. One hopes that her handlers have prepared her better for tonight’s show. I really hope she does well. The Obama/Biden ticket deserves to have a worthy opponent in this contest.

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