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Business casual

August 19th, 2008 · by map · 4 Comments

I can’t tell who works here at SPSS in the Sears Tower and who’s just here delivering sandwiches. Must be nice to show up to work every day in sandals, shorts, and a short-sleeved shirt. Surely lots and lots of work must be getting done in spite of this relaxed attire? I wonder if the HR lady at my office reads this blog. If so, TAKE NOTE!

I’ve got to get out after class and see about picking up something cuddly and Chicago-y for Ava. I promised her I’d bring her something if she promised not to pinch her mother while I was gone. I suspect Leah wouldn’t tell me about the pinching anyway if she knew it would mean I’d withhold a gift from Ava. In fact, I don’t know how I could get away with not handing over something now that I’ve mentioned it at all. Maybe there’s even some sort of souvenir shop here in the building; that’d be great. Otherwise I suppose I’ll have to hoof it over to Michigan Ave. and dig around.

I’m wondering how early in the afternoon I’d need to get out of town in order to miss the rush hour. The class tomorrow will probably go until 3:30, and I’m thinking that things are going to be pretty congested by four, which is likely as early as I’d be able to hit I-290. Suppose I’ll just locate another place to have dinner and then take off after 7 or so.

Tags: General