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He’s a good egg

August 18th, 2008 · by Leah · 2 Comments

And I don’t tell him that nearly often enough. Since Mark and I live and work in the same place, we have a LOT of together time, and it’s easy to get on each other’s nerves and take one another for granted. When he leaves, though, I realize just how much he does for our family–and how much I value his company. I miss his jokes and his beautiful eyes. I miss our family hugs and his stoic presence.

Every morning, he puts on Ava’s sunscreen, gets her dressed, and makes breakfast for her (and for me) while I dither about, getting ready. While I was running around by myself this morning, trying to cover his usual routine, I had the urge to call him and tell him just how much I love him–and how much better his scrambled eggs are than mine. Go figure. 🙂

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