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Celeb parents are the best parents

June 12th, 2008 · by map · 26 Comments

Maybe we’re the ones who’re out of touch? From an Entertainment Weekly interview with everyone’s favorite MILF:

On Brad’s most recent gift to her (a gun-charm necklace she wore to her EW photo shoot): “Mad, our 6-year-old, draws lots of war scenarios. He’s all into war and guns. So for Mother’s Day he drew a machine gun, and Brad had it made into a necklace, which is really sweet. It’s really cute. I think it’s really good!”

And here we are trying to discourage Ava from pointing her fingers at people like a gun and saying, “You’re dead!” You’d think a woman who’s seen so many places in the world where machine gun violence has destroyed entire communities would be more sensitive to this kind of thing. Then again, maybe not. I guess I know what to get Leah for our anniversary this year. The only question is: Uzi or AK?

Tags: General