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Rio vs. Hungry Like the Wolf

June 11th, 2008 · by Leah · 14 Comments

On the way to Madison, we were playing some classic 80s hits–from a “Best of the 80s British Gold” album that Mark has on his iPod. When Duran Duran’s “Hungry Like the Wolf” came on, Ava sat very still, listening–eyes wide, mouth parted. It was as though she’d had a revelation. And after that, the kid was hooked.

Our little 80s fan LOVES this damn song! We’ve had to play it over and over for her ever since, and she always wants to sing along. The only part I don’t like her to sing is, “Mouth is alive, juices like wine, and I’m hungry like the wolf.” Then, I feel like a bad parent who is letting her child listen to inappropriate music. Fortunately, at this point, Ava still thinks the song is about actual wolves.

This morning, Mark tried to mix things up a bit by playing “Rio” for her while they were dancing in the living room. Turns out that Ava, like me, much prefers “Hungry Like the Wolf.” Mark is a “Rio” man. Which song do y’all like better?

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