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My kid could draw that

May 14th, 2008 · by map · 12 Comments

Often, when I return home from work on a Friday afternoon, Ava will have created something cool during her day off from school. Last week, I was particularly surprised to come up the front walk and find this chalk drawing in front of me:


I spotted the rabbit right away and figured Leah must’ve done it. But I was wrong. Not only did Ava draw the rabbit on her own, she also did the Impressionist squirrel there to the right and a totally whacked-out bird just above the rabbit (clicking the “this” link above will take you to the picture on Flickr that’ll allow you to see the notes).

I don’t have much of a sense for what kinds of things kids Ava’s age should be drawing, but it struck me that this rabbit was pretty darn good. The preschool Ava will attend later this summer has artwork from the kids who attend there adorning all the walls, and a lot of it is pretty sweet (apply 80s skater usage of “sweet,” not doting parent usage, please). We’re eager to see how Ava takes to her new environment.

Tags: Ava