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Moment of cuteness

March 11th, 2008 · by map · 12 Comments

Leah’s decided it’s time to start a dress up basket for Ava. It’s a win/win for both of them. Ava gets to wear funny dress up clothes, and Leah gets to shop for funny dress up clothes. Here’s hoping Ava doesn’t become “that kid” who goes around everywhere wearing her dress up princess gown:


Leah would be quick to point out that she was “that kid” when she was little. The story goes that she spent a couple years as a young girl dressed every day in the same Laura Ingalls Wilder prairie dress. I’ve seen pictures from the period, and it was awfully cute. Let’s face it, LIW is a better role model than any of these vaguely sexualized Disney princesses. Believe me, I know from whence I speak. I had my own Batman phase back around 1974, albeit without the tights (I mean, I had pants on, just not the tights). Talk about vaguely sexualized…. A cape, a mask, and a utility belt. Throw in some elbow-length leather gloves and over-the-calf boots, and I’m the most popular handyman in The Castro.

Tags: Ava · Entertainment