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Seasonal pondering

December 28th, 2007 · by map · 14 Comments

I was grabbing a cup of what passes for coffee around here this morning, and there was a box of Swiss Valley cocoa mix sitting near the coffee machine. As I poured my (real) sugar packet into my mug, I noticed the Swiss Valley box said the contents were made with “fresh milk.” What in the h-e-double-hockey-sticks is the point of advertising fresh milk on the front of a box of powdered hot cocoa mix? It’s a guarantee I can do without. What, like you’re going to use spoiled milk in your product? Better not fess up to that!

In other news…. At the risk of turning this post into a Facebookesque (Oh yes I did!) preference poll, is there a movie in your past that you can laugh at anew every time you see it? An old standby? A faithful flick that can deliver you from even the funkiest funk? I was ripping “Caddyshack” to the server recently, and while running a quality check on the resulting file, I was reminded how much genius there is in that film. I know Leah is a big fan of “Harold and Maude,” which I’ve never seen. Steve Martin is even better in “The Jerk” than he is in “The Man with Two Brains.” I’ve never been able to watch the gas station sniper scene in “The Jerk” without laughing out loud. Ever. Same with just about any frame of “Young Frankenstein.” Or “Blazing Saddles.” So, what about you? And Cindy, if you say “13 Going On 30,” I’m going to give you a virtual wedgie!

Tags: Entertainment · Movies