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The Mist

December 21st, 2007 · by map · No Comments

Last night we went out for dinner with a couple friends. The hitch: We had reservations at Cafe Docici, which is a ~30 minute drive from Iowa City. Not such a big deal, usually, but last night the countryside was socked in with a dense fog, and visibility was down to about 30 feet. We’d been trying to get together forever, so we felt like we had to make an effort.

Our friends drove, which didn’t do much for Leah’s nerves. I’m not sure how having me drive blind down the road would’ve been better, but whatever. In the end, we made it OK, if a bit late. And as a bonus, it was 1/2-price wine night, so we treated ourselves to a $50 bottle of shiraz (before the discount). It was tasty.

The fog worsened while we were inside, but we took it easy on the way home. Ava did fine with the sitter, who was sound asleep on the couch when we arrived. Tonight we’re having our annual Christmas dinner at Givanni’s with my dad and brother, and then we’ll drive up to Decorah tomorrow morning, returning Monday. On Tuesday, we’ll have the folks over for an afternoon meal and to exchange gifts. Note to self: Charge the battery on the video camera.

Tags: Ava · Entertainment · Food & Drink