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Fridays are supposed to be GOOD days

November 30th, 2007 · by map · 14 Comments

It’s only 8:30, and I’ve had enough bad luck already to fill an entire day. Maybe two days.

First, Ava kicked me in the face bright and early at 5:30 this morning. Rise and shine! Then I got downstairs and discovered that a DVD rip I’d started before bed had hung up and had been running the fan on my MacBook full tilt all night. Not good. Fortunately, pouring a bowl of toasted Os and a glass of OJ went off smoothly.

I went into the TV room and got things ready for Ava to watch a little Caillou during breakfast, and that wasn’t working. The server holding the Caillou episodes wasn’t responding. Since I’d just had this working, finally, two days ago, I was frustrated. I futzed with it while Ava came downstairs and sat on the couch, watching me. I reminded her that she needed to go to the bathroom before she watched TV on the couch, so she took off. I went over to the MacBook to SSH into the AppleTV to see what the problem was, and I noticed my network shares had dropped from my finder. Huh? Something wasn’t right. It was just at this moment that Ava called from the bathroom” “Daddy! Come look what I did!” I was halfway there when I head the toilet flush, and a wave of dread washed over me. Sure enough, there wasn’t a single square of TP left on the roll, and the water in the toilet was rising very quickly toward the rim.

I told Ava to wait there and not touch anything. I ran downstairs to get the plunger, and I checked on the server while I was in the basement. It was cold, dark, and quiet. The server, that is. Even more not good. I grabbed the plunger and, as I bounded up the basement stairs, caught a toe on the edge of one of the stair treads. I saved myself, bending back the tip of my middle finger in the process. It hurt. But I made it upstairs and got the toilet plunged; at least she hadn’t dumped all her Crayons down there.

So, I’m just off a toll-free call to a very nice woman in India. Netgear, the company that now owns the company who makes the NAS I have, is notorious for bad customer support (they didn’t own Infrant when I bought my unit). But I actually had a good experience, and I hope to get the thing RMAed at lunch and have a new power supply unit in my hands sometime next week. If you’re a praying person, please include my four Seagate HDDs in your nightly devotional (I’m such a blasphemer!).

Tags: Ava · Computer