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Testing, testing

October 22nd, 2007 · by map · 4 Comments

I don’t know anyone who’s taken a driver’s exam recently, so I’m not positive they’re still teaching the same things they were when I last took the exam. The part I’m most curious about is the section on road markings. Do they still cover the differences between solid, broken, yellow, and white lines? Because I’m seeing some action out there on the road lately that leaves me wondering. Anyway, let me know if you find anything out.

We had a fun moment with Ava the other day on the way out to the pumpkin patch near Madison. Ava brought along her copy of The Three Little Pigs, and as we drove, she “read” it to Aunt Rachel, who was sitting next to her. As she turned each page, Ava put her whole index finger on her tongue to wet it before she grabbed the corner. She learned that from her mom (though Leah doesn’t moisten quite that much of her finger). The really neat part, however, was listening to her read. She can’t actually read yet, of course, but she seems to have memorized the words on the page, maybe by the pictures. So she holds the page in front of her and repeats the words she’s heard us read from those pages, verbatim and with the same emphasis.

I don’t know what this means for her reading future. Hopefully she’ll take some interest in being able to read words by herself at some point.

Tags: Ava