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Live from Madison

October 19th, 2007 · by map · 2 Comments

We just got back from dinner at India Cafe (excellent stuff), and Ava’s on her way off to dreamland, with Aunt Rachel’s patient assistance. It was a windy trip, but the forecast calls for beautiful weather tomorrow, so we’re looking forward to that.

On our stop through Dubuque to visit the museum late morning, we decided to give the Brickhouse Brewery another shot for lunch. Man, what a total disappointment. The odds weren’t good, I know, but it was even worse than the first time we ate there. The crowning glory was a burger that had clearly been pre-cooked (-burned) and reheated. How can you screw up a hamburger? How completely and unabashedly lazy does your kitchen staff have to be to not have the time to cook a burger on order? It was like they were daring me to hate their food. And I took the dare. We have got to find a new place to eat lunch in that town.

More soon….

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