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October 9th, 2007 · by map · 14 Comments

The instructions for my WordPress software upgrade suggest that I write a post about the upgrade after I’m done. Well, I did the upgrade last night, and all seems well. I think I might come to love the tags support.

This morning Ava was pretending to be a baby elephant. She got a Babar book at the library the other day, and I think it’s gone to her head. She walked around making tiny little elephant noises and hiding from me when I pretended to be a hungry lion.

And speaking of Babar, have you ever read the original book in that series? Sheesh. It’s a real downer at the beginning. If you can somehow manage to get past the part where Babar’s mother is gunned down by a hunter, the rest of the story isn’t so bad. All the other Babar books I’ve seen have been quite uplifting, as if they’re trying to make up for that first book.

When Ava and I were first waking up this morning, and she was deciding to be a baby elephant, she told me that her daddy elephant was dead. Then she reconsidered and asserted instead that he was actually lost, but that he was going to be back. I’m not sure if she’ll still be an elephant when Leah and G.G. pick her up from daycare this afternoon. Probably not.

Tags: Ava