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September 10th, 2007 · by map · No Comments

What a nice weekend. Not only was the weather great, but we got to spend time with our cool friends and drink wine on two separate occasions.

On Saturday evening, we attended a wine tasting held at Mara and Rockne’s house, which is only a couple blocks from ours. It was tasty and informative. Sunday afternoon we drove out to Wallace Winery to meet Jody and Bill for a couple bottles of the good stuff and to taste some of the winery’s other offerings. I’d been meaning to get out to Wallace, and chatting with Jody and Bill made the trip even nicer. She used to be a producer for Jerry Springer…oh, the stories she can tell.

Gramary was back from her trip to CO, so she and Ava got to spend time together on Sunday.

An update on Ava’s sleeping: She’s doing a great job. The sitter got her down with no fuss at all on Saturday night (full disclosure: the sitter works at Ava’s daycare and has just as much experience putting Ava to sleep as we do). Last night, Ava pretty much just rolled over and went right to bed after we read to her. It’s great to see her able to handle herself like this, but there’s also a little tinge of sadness at seeing her grow up. I suppose I’d better get used to it.

Tags: Ava · Entertainment