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CNN has lost it

September 6th, 2007 · by map · 10 Comments

OK, maybe CNN lost it long ago, and I just haven’t been paying attention. But I was paying attention this morning, when they published this little tidbit on their front page re: Pavarotti’s death:

Pavarotti died today, prompting one reader to cry on her way to work.

What, exactly, is it supposed to convey to me that some CNN reader cried when she heard of Pavarotti’s death? And is it meaningful that she cried on her way to work? Should I be more stricken by this news now that I know someone out there was brought to tears by it? Maybe it was Pavarotti’s sister? How do I know? If I want this kind of “reporting,” I’ll read Perez Hilton. Sheesh, it’s not like someone shot Kennedy.

EDIT: This headline from FARK.com is exactly why that site has it all over CNN. I love this:

Fred Thompson (R – USA Network) officially enters the race for the Republican presidential nomination. Plans to solve America’s problems in 1 hour once a week every Friday

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