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September 4th, 2007 · by map · 8 Comments

Leah finally reached her breaking point. After months of expressing her dissatisfaction with how long it takes to coddle Ava to sleep at night (sometimes as long as 45 minutes), the last few nights found Ava putting herself to sleep. The first night was the worst, natch. It turns out there’s no amount of preparation we could’ve done to prevent Ava from sobbing when it came time for Leah to leave the room. That was a couple nights ago. Last night, Ava went to sleep with nary a peep.

Our efforts on Sunday night were confounded by a fireworks display from the Catholic high school nearby. There was a ten-minute stretch there when they lit one firework every minute, which seemed needlessly drawn out. Worse, we were entertaining some friends at the house that night, so Leah missed a good portion of the festivities while she tried to comfort Ava back to sleep. When she came back down for good, she was ready to march up to the high school and drop-kick every Catholic she saw. A glass of wine helped calm her nerves, but only a little.

Here’s hoping Ava continues to put herself to sleep.

Tags: Ava