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What, you thought I was kidding?

August 25th, 2007 · by map · No Comments

Two ultrasound videos of Ava. This is back when Leah used to refer to her as our “bun.” Original, I know. Anyway, Leah ended up having at least three ultrasounds. She heard about a clinic in town that trains ultrasound technicians. Turns out the place also has a religious-based, pro-life mission, but Leah’s desire to learn that her baby was doing OK outweighed any other reservations she had. Another nice thing about the clinic was that they let me “take pictures” during the ultrasound. I never asked if it would be OK to take video, but it sure is easy to switch between picture and video mode on my P&S camera…just a quick turn of the dial.

In this first one, we get to see the heart beating, the alien-looking head, the spine, and other cool stuff.

In the second one, we see a great shot of her knee, her hand, and she even sucks her thumb! Crazy kid.

Tags: Ava · Entertainment · Movies