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Pride goeth before the fall

August 16th, 2007 · by map · No Comments

So I’m lying with Ava last night at bedtime after reading her a couple books, and of course I doze off. Must’ve been around 9:30 or so. Some time later, I awoke in a clammy start in her little single bed and felt the side of my t-shirt. Wet. Did her water bottle leak? I then felt Ava’s underpants-clad butt and confirmed that the water bottle was not to blame. Poor little monkey. Her dry streak ended at a measly three days.

In her defense, we did try to get a lot of water down her last evening, what with the high heat and heavy humidity outside. We took a walk after dinner, and Leah took a number of opportunities to give Ava drinks from a water bottle. Then, with her pre-bedtime snack, she drank some fizzie water and even took some tugs off my ice water. We should’ve made her try to use the bathroom again before putting her down. Live and learn.

She spent the remainder of the night in our bed, clad in nothing but a pull-up, and slept soundly all the way through. She didn’t seem too distraught by memories of last night’s accident; perhaps she didn’t remember any of it.

Tags: Ava