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August 2nd, 2007 · by map · 2 Comments

We’re on our way north, which is fine with me.  The temps here down below look like they’re going to continue to climb into the 90s over the next week, while it’s going to be in the upper 60s where we’ll be on Tuesday.  Rain, maybe, but who cares?

Marital issue:  We arrived in Decorah this afternoon, and there were dead bugs all over the front of the car.  I’m not sure what else one would expect as the result of driving 130 miles through farm country in the first week of August.

Anyway, we get to Decorah, and Leah wants me to clean the bugs off the front of the car.  I point out that we’re going to be driving another four hours tomorrow, this time through river country.  Why clean off the front of the car when it’s going to be covered in bugs again by the time we even get to the highway tomorrow?  WWJD?

Tags: General