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FAILED: Ava’s first movie

July 2nd, 2007 · by map · 2 Comments

I thought it would be cute to take Ava to her first movie last Friday evening.  Pixar’s latest, Ratatouille, is out, and it looked really good.

Well, it was really good.  At least the 2/3 of it I saw.  Ava lost interest after a while and said she wanted to go home.  Of course, once we got home, she started crying because she wanted to go back to the movie.  Ah, the life of a child who gets whatever she wants.  I suppose it made sense to her that we’d simply be able to leave and return to the theater whenever we liked.

I really thought we might make it.  There’s a scene at the beginning of the movie when an old woman who lives in the farmhouse where Remy and his clan have taken up residence goes after the rats with a shotgun.  Lots of loud noise and violent images of things getting blown apart, and it was all a bit much for Ava.  Scenes Leah and I wouldn’t have been sensitive to at all had we been alone suddenly made us cringe and shrug as we thought about Ava watching it.  But Ava jumped up on Leah’s lap and made it through that scene, and even through the harrowing escape through the sewers.  There just wasn’t enough there to keep Ava interested all the way through.  Leah graciously offered to take Ava out into the mall to walk around while I finished watching, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to enjoy it without them (and I also knew the movie would be out before too long on DVD).

Looks like I’m going to have to push back Ava’s introduction to The Deer Hunter by a couple months.

Tags: Ava · Entertainment · Movies