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That’s such a fun age

May 7th, 2007 · by map · No Comments

I hear that a lot these days. I’ll run into someone, usually at work, who hasn’t seen Ava in a while, or who knows I have a child but isn’t quite sure what sex it is or how old it is, who asks. And these days I say, “Two and a half.” The reply, almost invariably, is something along the lines of, “Aw, that’s such a great age.”

And it is. Ava has a full-fledged personality going on now. She’s a gal who knows what she wants, when she wants it. We can go back and forth with her for minutes on end about why she can’t have G.G.’s chocolate chip cookies for dinner, and by God, sometimes she almost wins the argument. So, it’s a fun age, even if the age is characterized by obstinacy.

Truth is (and any parent will tell you this), all ages are great ages. I look back over all the pictures I’ve taken of Ava since September 17th, 2004, and every one I see reminds me of a great age. Por ejemplo:


How can this not be indicative of a great age? As a special treat to those unregistered users out there, I’m posting this image outside the password-protected area of the blog; it’s not going to be a habit. So if you haven’t registered, make it so!

Tags: Ava