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What does one say?

April 19th, 2007 · by map · 2 Comments

Ava was in bed with us this morning about 6:30 as we were getting ready to roll out of bed.  She was just kind of playing around and chatting to us and to herself about nothing in particular.  Then, out of nowhere, she rolled towards Leah and said, “You have sweet nipples.”

Leah broke into laughter immediately.  I was a bit taken aback.  Mostly, I was surprised that of all the lurid, semi-porny things I’ve said in my life, I can’t recall ever using that exact phrase.  Ava’s connotation of “sweet” here, obviously, isn’t the teenage boy “I-just-jumped-my-bike-over-a-creek” kind of sweet, and I’m not sure if that makes the statement more or less innocent.

Tags: Ava