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Mr. Mom

December 15th, 2006 · by map · No Comments

Leah’s sick today.  I believe I’ve mentioned before that she and her sister are emetophobes, which makes being sick even more of a challenge.   So, she was in bed early.  I put Ava to bed and then spent a couple hours shoe shopping online (which I do once every couple years).

Leah wasn’t feeling much better this morning, so I got Ava up (she was up at 5:30) and got her breakfast (a bowl of “tinies”), dressed her, and gave her the antibiotic she’s taking now to ward off an ear infection.

I feel a little bad dressing Ava.  Leah has this process down to a science, but I realized quickly when I opened up Ava’s dresser this morning that I was going to have to punt if I wanted to make Ava look even a bit as cute as she usually is when Leah dresses her.  She turned out OK, albeit in jeans that had to be rolled at the bottom to allow her to walk.  Cute anyway.

Oh, I also had some time to get a button sewed onto a pair of my pants.  I still maintain that unwaxed dental floss makes a great substitute for thread in these applications.

I read a stat in a NYT piece yesterday that said married fathers spent 6.5 hours a week doing childcare in 2000, up from 2.6 hours in 1965.  Yowza.  Only 6.5 hours a week?  That’s sad.

Tags: Ava