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“Easy Clean”

December 14th, 2006 · by map · 4 Comments

Everyday life is full of pitfalls.

I was wrapping a present for Ava two nights ago, and emblazoned across one corner of the huge box were the words “Easy Clean.”  In quotes.  Like it wasn’t really easy to clean.  Why the quotes?  I suspect there’s a lawyer behind them somewhere.  It would be nice if the items in this gift were easy to clean.  It’s a box full of play food to accompany the big kitchen set Leah picked out for Ava.

Why, I can just see myself initiating legal action after realizing that it’s much more difficult to clean oatmeal off a plastic strawberry than I thought it was going to be.  Time is money, people.

It’s a real (damn) shame that what I’m passing off as hyperbole above is totally within the realm of acceptable recourse for some parents out there.  And those parents will likely raise their own little litigious courtroom monkeys.  If there are still lawyers in the future.

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