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December 5th, 2006 · by map · No Comments

Ava’s Grandma Georgie was in town last weekend for a visit and to make cookies with Ava.  She also brought along a new Jan Brett book for Ava.

I think we’ve read this book 20 times since G.G. left.  Ava gets a huge kick out of the two trolls featured in the story, Mig and Tig.  Mig and Tig employ the talents of a hedgehog to steal all the Christmas accouterments of a little girl named Treva and her brother Sami.  Treva catches up to the trolls and teaches them about the spirit of Christmas.  All well and good.

But Mig and Tig are starting to get to me.

This morning I was out stumbling around in the dining room after getting out of bed.  It was dark, and as I made my groggy way to the kitchen to turn on the light there, I had this feeling that there was something small and ominous scurrying around on the floor out in the living room.  It was a fleeting sensation, but my very first thought was that there must be a troll out there.  And it was unnerving.

Then I started to think, “Why should a troll automatically be an ominous thing?”  Are they like clowns, where they end up being a little creepy even though they’re supposed to be cute and engaging?  Mig and Tig end up being not the worst characters in the world (all hail the redeeming power of Christmas!).  Still, it was weird to consider there might be a troll in my living room.  It reminded me of “The Gate.”

Tags: Ava · Entertainment · Movies