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November 1st, 2006 · by map · No Comments

Our little monkey has an ear infection.  It caught us by surprise, as she’s barely had so much as a sniffle since she got her tubes put in last year.  But a couple days ago Ava started having some serious discomfort when she’d lie down.  She’d cry and stiffen up and grab at her right cheek; it was painful to watch.  We took her to the doctor yesterday, and he confirmed that one of Ava’s tubes had become clogged.

So now we have her on ear drops and an oral antibiotic.  I stayed home with her yesterday afternoon, and Leah’s home with her this morning.  I’ll do another afternoon shift today.  Ava seems much better now.  She had a good sleep last night, and when I left the house this morning, she was deeply involved in her Little Miss Tiny book.  If it warms up at all this afternoon, maybe we can get out for a walk.

Tags: Ava