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Sears Portrait vs. Flash

September 11th, 2006 · by map · 4 Comments

Sometimes I think Ava must be one of the most-photographed kids in the world.  An exaggeration, sure, but it seems I’m just as used to seeing her displayed on a small LCD as not.

Even with all the shots I’m taking at home, Leah still likes to have “professional” shots taken on milestones like birthdays and Easter.  Yesterday we took Ava to Sears for her two-year portraits.  For whatever reason, Ava was in a great mood.  She tolerated being handled by the strangers behind the camera, changing clothes, and being told to sit still.  She really appeared to be enjoying the process, which made it much easier for everyone involved.

As a result, Ava’s pictures turned out very nicely.  Much nicer, in fact, than any shots we’ve ever had taken at Sears’ competition in the local mall, Flash.  The photographers at Sears were much better at working with Ava, and they were just more fun to be around in general.  Very efficient (a tremendous quality in a photographer of toddlers).  Best of all, Sears costs less than Flash.  They don’t even put the screws to you at the review stage, when they’re trying to sell you all sorts of fancy borders and arrangements.

Those of you fortunate enough to have access to photos of Ava can see the results of yesterday’s shoot for yourself.  For the rest of you, well…life isn’t always fair.

Tags: Ava · Photography