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Cafe Dodici

August 31st, 2006 · by map · No Comments

Our anniversary is coming up, and we’ve decided to have a night out.  Rather than hit one of the local restaurants for dinner, we’re going to motor down to Washington, IA, to dine at Cafe Dodici.

I’ve not eaten there, but friends who have rave about it.  Looking at their menu, I see nary an item I’d not entertain for a meal.  Particularly enticing are the “Tuscan tray” appetizer, Il Pastore Perso pasta, and the pistachio-encrusted lamb.

Leah’s excited because the woman who runs the place has a problem with garlic (like Leah does), so the items on the menu contain no (or very little) garlic.  How you run an Italian restaurant without garlic is a mystery I’m eager to unravel come the 8th.

Tags: Food & Drink · Meals