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Almost there

August 23rd, 2006 · by map · No Comments


As you know, I’ve been eating delicious little cherry tomatoes out of my garden for a couple weeks now, but I’ve yet to harvest one of those nice, big, meaty fruits that really make the tomato’s name. Well, it looks like it won’t be long now. These two beauties are probably only a couple hours from being picked, sliced, salted and eaten. They’re real stars; there ain’t a mark on them.

Leah’s been pretty steadfast in her lobbying for BLTs, but I’ll need to get a good pile of tomatoes together before we can have those. I’ve been known to eat through a whole loaf of bread and a pound of bacon at a sitting when BLT season hits, so a good ingredient supply is of paramount importance.<

Tags: Food & Drink · Outdoors