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Our weekend

April 24th, 2006 · by map · 4 Comments

It was a busy one. Our friend Judy was in town to receive some instruction on using her new 15″ MacBook Pro. It sure is a dandy little machine. I’m really looking forward to seeing what Apple comes up with for the iBook replacement.

Judy really caught on quick. She was coming from an old Compaq Presario running some version of Windows pre-2000, so coming to the MacBook was like jumping out of a Festiva and landing in a Veyron.

Tulip macro

I took last Friday off to help Judy, too, but I also ended up going over to a friend’s house to get some plants from her garden that day. She’s a master gardener, so everything she had was in great shape and was quite gorgeous. I ended up with about 12 plastic bags filled with diggings from her yard, and I managed to get it all planted by the time Sunday evening rolled around. I also got our wren house cleaned out, painted some trim on the back of the house, relocated a big bunch of phlox to another area of the yard, and dismantled the Hummingbird feeder so I can get it cleaned up; it won’t be long before the Humingbirds show up looking for a snack. The last three days just flew by.

The weather was also beautiful all weekend. It was still enough that I was able to get some nice macro shots of one of the purple tulips that’s blooming in the yard right now. One of the last things I planted this weekend was a “carpet rose” bush that Leah bought using a gift certificate her sister gave her. It’s a nice plant that reportedly blooms from late spring to late summer, so we should have some pretty color over on the east side of the house once the tulips — and even the iris — are done.

Ava had a good weekend as well. Anytime she can get outside, she’s pleased, so the nice weather suited her to a T. Much to our puzzlement, though, Ava has returned to nursing after having abandoned it for a week or so. She’s been eating fine otherwise, and she hasn’t been sick, so we’re hard put to figure out what’s going on. That Ava…she’s always full of surprises.

Tags: Ava · Computer · Mac · Outdoors · Photography