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Even educated fleas do it

April 19th, 2006 · by map · No Comments

This time of year it seems like everything that can procreate is procreating. And rightly so. The water is running and tender shoots of grass are everywhere. All of my flowers and even the trees are loaded down with pollen, and fat bumblebees sometimes bounce right off our windows with dull little thumps in their excitement to gather it all up.

I usually try to give the birds and the bees plenty of space this time of year to carry out their biological imperative, but it’s not easy. When Kevin was here this past weekend, he and I were kneeling in the front yard, looking at some ground bee burrows, when a mating pair of bees fell out of the sky right at our feet. They didn’t take much notice of us, and we just sat there and let them go about their business.

Bug love

Two evenings ago, I was out on the front porch with Ava when a couple cool-looking bugs crawled by connected at the abdomen. I went inside to get my camera and snapped off a couple shots of them while they did what bugs do this time of year. Again, they were pretty oblivious (who wouldn’t be?).

Meanwhile, the local male Cardinals are making an awful lot of noise as they try to drum up some female interest. With luck, we’ll get another pair nesting in our mock orange bush near the porch this year.

Tags: Ava · Outdoors · Photography