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They’re heeeere!

April 10th, 2006 · by map · 8 Comments


I was at one of the local Hy Vee grocery stores the other evening picking up some supplies, and I happened upon one lone bag of Fiery Habanero Doritos. Score! This snack started out in limited release on the West Coast (isn’t it always thus?), and I managed to grab a couple bags when we were in Colorado last month for spring break.

I first saw mention of the chip over at Cabel Sasser’s blog (which is a darn fine blog) and became intrigued. Could these chips be as hot as he claimed? Well, they’re hot. Hotter than any chip I’ve ever had. If you eat five or six of these things in a row, you’ll end up with a nice warm glow all over the inside of your mouth.

For you locals, I got my bag in aisle 7 of the First Ave. store, but as I say, it was the only bag there. The big Doritos display is in the next aisle over, a curiosity I didn’t take time to explore as I hustled my prize up to the checkout.

Tags: Food & Drink