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Dodgeball update

February 8th, 2006 · by map · No Comments

Last night we played the top-ranked team in the league. As often seems to happen in underdog situations like this one, we played relaxed and had a lot of fun. The result: We took one of the five games in the match, which is precisely one more game than we should’ve won.

I suspect that our opponents were pretty beat up, this being the tail end of the season. As usual, their team comprised all guys, and they threw hard. I got in some good hits, shoulder and arm pain be damned. I even caught a couple balls last night, which is something I’d avoided in the past due to the hinky nature of the balls we use.

The highlight of the evening was a hit one of our girls got. Kelly, who’s a shoe-in for team MVP at the end of the season, just nailed a guy right in the chest. It was a superb open-court shot, and her victim looked appropriately stunned as he tromped off the court.

I’d taken a Wal-profen before the match and downed another when I got home. I set an icepak on my elbow while Leah and I watched American Idol, which helped a lot with the soreness. Today I barely feel like I played at all last night.

The next two weeks are the final tournament; I’d better check on my Wal-profen supply.

Tags: General